• Breakthrough Stories


    Matt Essam - Business Coach at Matt Essam


    Will is one of the best life coaches I have ever worked with, and I've worked with a few! There seems to be no problem too big to handle in our sessions together. No matter what I bring to the table, I'm always left with a fresh perspective and a sense of clarity around my challenges. Will listens intently and always picks out the thinking patterns or beliefs that are keeping me stuck. I have also had a few RTT sessions with him which have been transformational. I can highly recommend working with Will, whether you are at the top of your game and want to take things to the next level or are struggling to get yourself motivated. I will continue working with Will as it's one of the best investments I make in myself and my business each month.



    Daniela - Germany.

    “I have worked with coaches before, but working with Will was a life-changing experience for me. He helped me to focus on what I really want in my life, set healthy boundaries and get rid of limiting thought patterns. After each coaching call, something inside of me fell into the right place. It almost felt like coming home to the person I really am. Will has an awesome way of understanding people. He never judges and never gives advice. Just by asking the right questions, he helped me to find my way to an almost crazy good life. Thank you so much for it, Will! It's amazing how much has changed for me throughout the last three months!”

    Thea - Germany

    Working with Will is one of the best decisions I've ever made. During the last six months, I've become clearer about what I want in my life, who I really am and – most important point – which steps I can take to become this version of myself. During the coaching sessions, we develop a clear picture of what I want and the best possible ways to move forward.! It is great being understood and encouraged in what my heart beats for. Will is able to see people's potential, feel what is helpful right now and lead you there without ever having given any advice. Wow!

    Kate - Owner of Happy & Glorious 


    When I first found out about Will and his coaching business in March 2015, I was running my online shop, Happy & Glorious, whilst working a four-day week at another job. Every evening, weekend and day of annual leave were taken up with work on my business, and I was struggling to move H&G forward in the limited time that I could spend on it. I had no prior experience in business coaching and had no idea what to expect from it.


    By the end of my first chat with Will, I was bursting with enthusiasm. He encouraged me to set myself a target - to be working full-time on my business within a year. Although this had previously seemed like an impossible dream, it suddenly felt within reach. Will’s belief in my business and my abilities was utterly convincing, and he helped me to untangle my brain to the extent that a clear, workable plan suddenly lay before me.


    Within the next few months of coaching, I had taken on a studio and started to design my own collection of products to sell alongside the work of other British designers. A few months later, I now have my own high street shop in Cranbrook, a dream 20 years in the making!


    Through regular coaching with Will, momentum has been inevitable. It is so helpful to have a third-party sounding board, to be held accountable for my progress, and to feel that someone genuinely believes in my future. His unshakeable conviction and optimism are a constant presence in my mind; whenever an opportunity presents itself there is a little voice in my head that asks me, ‘What would Will say?’


    Although I still work around the clock on my business, to be able to dedicate all my time to it is wonderful. There are huge challenges ahead, but I now have tools to help me to approach them in a new way as a result of my coaching. I look forward to the next chapter of my business life, and to continuing my work with Will.

    Pauline - United Kingdom.

    So I have come to the end of 6 months of coaching with Will. I had a huge limiting belief that I wasn't good enough. I can honestly say it's gone.

    I no longer stop and doubt my abilities, now I focus on how strong I am. I'm more confident, I have this feeling in my stomach! I take chances, I take action, it's like you've taken the doubt away. Thank you so much for your time, focus and unique way of helping me through the several challenges I had in those 6 months.

    Tracey - United Kingdom.

    "How amazing is it when you invest in a life coach that simply gets it? Listens to you, without judgement, understands and reminds you, how blessed you really are.
    Will has helped me come through life adverties that I never believed possible, I now know these were limiting beliefs and were holding me back.

    Will saw my potential, gently encouraging me to become the person I was meant to be.
    So inspiring in fact, that I've begun to write my own book.

    I've felt my mindset shift, and the calmness I have created with Will's help has been immense. I sleep better through a meditation Will had sent me, read books Will recommended, challenged my inner chatter and showed up like Oprah Winfrey.

    It has been a life-changing 3 months and I hope to work with Will again one day. I can't recommend him enough to others, I found the value Will has given me to be priceless. It will stay with me forever and I can't thank him enough".

    Nike - United Kingdom

    When I first started working with Will, I was working a part-time job for a charity, singing for special events (weddings, birthdays, proposals etc), tutoring and in my few spare moments trying to write my own music. I was completely overwhelmed, I didn't have enough money and was constantly worried about it.

    In 6 months I've gone from being in that place to where I am now, tutoring a few hours a week which is enough to live on and I have secured special event bookings for most of the year so I also have funds to invest in my career as a songwriter.

    But the best thing is that I've just set myself a goal to write 50 song ideas by the end of May and I know it's achievable because I have free time every single day till then to work towards it. And that's all because of the change in my mindset which developed while working with Will and the tough decisions I made and the ambitious challenges he set me. Will helped me to understand that so much more is possible than what I previously believed.

    I now have a life that is leaps closer to the one that I want. I have the time and space to be creative and take steps towards making a living as a singer-songwriter. Some days I wake up and I can't believe I'm here.

    Cat - United Kingdom

    I have recently completed a 12-week coaching programme with Will. I can't thank him enough for his continuous support, encouragement, and new ideas and for pushing me out of my comfort zone. Also most importantly making me believe in myself and my dreams.

    Before I started working with Will I had already made some big changes including leaving my job 8 months ago, going travelling and making the decision to pursue my passion for photography and make this into my career. However, I was struggling with what to focus on, and how to get there and had already subconsciously started making sacrifices and stopped pushing myself out of my comfort zone.

    Since working with Will, I have already achieved things I didn't think were possible. Such as having two photographs featured (Telegraph & Guardian), something previously I had only dreamt of. Will believed in me and gave me the encouragement and confidence I needed to start putting myself out there. We looked at lots of ways I could make money from doing what I love and thinking outside my comfort zone. Over 12 weeks lots of areas were explored including learnt behaviours, stop factors, beliefs, dreaming big and much more. With Will's support, my dreams have started to become a reality and I am continuing to dream big.

    I honestly could not recommend Will enough. I wasn't sure what to expect going into the sessions with Will, but I am so pleased I plucked up the courage to reach out to Will. If you are looking to make some changes, or have some crazy dreams that you've convinced yourself are impossible then I would 100% advise reaching out to Will and seeing where that initial conversation may take you.

    Tracey - United Kingdom

    I was a 20+ a day smoker, I had wanted to give up for years. I had never tried hypnosis and when introduced to what Will could offer, I quickly snapped up the chance! Will was amazing, his calming voice guided me the whole way through and I was completely relaxed. I couldn't believe the quickness of the transformation and I'm happy to say that I am now a complete non-smoker and owe this to Will, who is an amazing, complete support and a huge inspiration to me and to others... Thank you, Will.

    Mollie -  USA.

    I am so thankful that my paths crossed with Will Alyward in 2018. Through sessions with Will, I have been able to address specific areas that needed attention to move forward in a positive way in my life. Will has wisdom beyond his years and a kind heart that makes anyone feel comfortable to open up about personal concerns. Every single session I gain something invaluable, making the sessions worth every penny and more. If you are wondering if you should book with Will or not, wonder no more! Just do it and you’ll thank yourself later, I promise.

    Clive - United Kingdom

    "Will, I just had to drop you a note.

    Thank you! thank you! thank you!

    I found our therapy session amazing. I brought to you a deep-seated problem for you to help me resolve - anxiety. You took lots of time to understand me and you did this brilliantly. Through extremely skilful and empathetic handling you got to the root cause of my anxiety. Nobody else has ever, ever been able to do this!

    Your approach is wonderful and it has enabled me to put my anxiety in a box - where it belongs, to move on and experience life positively. I feel happy! I have more energy and a zest for life.

    I listened to your recording just as you asked me to. It was inspirational and caring and I knew you were talking to me, and only me. I felt very special. As a result, I feel so much better, great and dare I say - free".


    Sara - USA.

    “Will helped me break through some MAJOR creativity blocks in my writing.

    After my RTT session, I literally couldn’t record the creative writing ideas

    fast enough! I was amazed at how quickly RTT worked for me,

    after months of trying to break through the blocks on my own.”

    Vanja - Spain.

    My curious spirit guided me to experience a Confidence RTT hypnosis session with Will. I didn't expect anything and was open to receiving it. The intuitional messages I received through our session reminded me of my deepest and purest me as a soul. The simple but powerful suggestion ''What you want wants you'' has melted my resistance between me and my dreams. It was an incredible experience and has shifted my energy completely. Deeply thank you, Will, for reminding me of my purpose and to help me melt the resistance instantly!

    Lisa - Luxembourg.

    "I came across Will during a very vulnerable moment in my life. I had become incredibly anxious and stressed at work and ended up needing to take a leave of absence, At the time it had felt nearly impossible to not only return to the expectations of the job but also to face my colleagues whom I was certain I had disappointed.

    I knew that deep down I had some long-held limiting beliefs that had been contributing to my self-doubt and panic that had ultimately come to overwhelm me, so I decided to try a Rapid Transformational Therapy session.

    Knowing I had only one week left before I was meant to return, I listened to my personalized session as often as possible during the day (sometimes 5 times!) just so I could get the most out of it in the shortest amount of time.

    In a matter of days, my perception began to shift - I truly felt mentally stronger, prepared, and empowered to go to work with a sense of pride and self-respect rather than shame.

    At the beginning of my leave, I felt I could never go back, but after my work with Will, something significant subtly changed inside me.

    I am incredibly grateful for my decision to invest in this as I returned to work and generally feel more hopeful about the continued changes I can make by working on my subconscious thoughts and limiting beliefs."

    Anke -Thailand.

    I have been working with Will over the past two years. I was always looking forward to our sessions. Will is a great coach. After each session, I felt more confident and inspired and had more belief in what I was doing. I am always amazed at how many tools he has to help you. Will is compassionate, and professional but would I love most about him is that he is down to earth. If you are suffering from anxiety or simply want to feel calmer then I highly recommend Will.

    Thys - Netherlands.

    It is hard to describe Will's RTT session in a few short words. I'll start with the word pivotal. It was a pivotal time for me to regain a sense of self, build confidence and create new positive thought patterns. Instant is another word I would use to describe working with Will. I noticed an immediate change in my behaviours, subconscious and conscious thought processes and in my decision-making. From the first session to my most recent conversation with Will, I've been able to build confidence and vision in creating clear, exciting and positive personal goals and the reason behind which I am setting these. It really is rapid and transformational

    Henry - UK

    I hit a time in my life where I desperately needed to "talk to someone", and being given Will's details was a true blessing.

    Will's general manner, tone, listening skills, understanding, but also his advice, help and methods were amazing. Without Will, I struggle to see how I would have found a route out of the place I found myself, & I still look forward to talking to Will with huge anticipation, whenever we get the opportunity.